Campaign Responses

I often receive dozens of campaign emails from constituents concerned about a huge variety of issues. These emails have very similar wording and are generated via third party websites. Due to the vast increase in the volume of campaign emails now being generated, I can no longer guarantee replying to these individually and will therefore be posting my thoughts and views on these issues in this section of my website. This is for practical purposes and does not reflect the seriousness with which I consider issues raised. 

Please also note that I do not sign EDMs. They are costly and rarely ever get debated. I prefer to raise issues of concern directly with the relevant Minister. Please see here for my note on this. 

MPs Pay rises

Since 2010, responsibility for deciding the salaries and expenses of Members of Parliament has rested with the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).

Dogs with cropped ears

A number of emails with the subject beginning 'Will you help protect dogs like Myrtle' have been received.

Greener Homes Campaign

I have received a number of postcards asking for urgent action to make homes more greener.  These cards will have crossed with an announcement from the Government that it has introduced a £3.9 billion fund to decarbonise heat and buildings.  Part of the reason for doing this is to drive do

Universal Credit

The extra support for universal credit claimants was announced by the Chancellor as a temporary measure in March 2020 to provide additional support to those likely to be facing the most financial disruption caused by the public health emergency.

Cambo Oil Field

I share your concern about the use of fossil fuels and tackling climate change is a priority for me. I welcome the publication of the Prime Minister’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.

Speak up for our Uplands

I am committed to protecting our uplands, the wildlife that thrives there, and also the people who live there.  I agree that restoring nature is crucial.

Plastic Waste Exports

I was elected on a manifesto which pledged to ban the export of all plastic waste to non-OECD countries, and I would like to reassure you that my ministerial colleagues remain committed to clamping down on illegal waste exports. I know that ministers plan to introduce tougher con

Assisted Dying

I have been receiving a number of emails requesting that I attend the APPG meeting on Choice at the End of Life, which is taking place on Tuesday 27 April at 5pm.

Vaccine Passports

I have received a number of emails about vaccine passports, or Covid-status certification. Let me say at the beginning that passports of this type need to be looked at from two angles; first, for international travel, and, secondly, for domestic uses. The former is largely outside our cont

Changes in the Asylum System

Immigration has always been a hot topic. We have taken back control of our legal immigration system by ending free movement and introducing a new points-based system, but we must address illegal immigration in order to properly control our borders and prevent further loss of life.

Kill the Bill - Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

There have long been calls for greater power for police and stiffer sentences in relation to  some crimes and activities. At one end of the spectrum, the death of PC Andrew Harper shocked the nation and led to calls for stiffer sentencing.