
The Environment and Climate Change

Concern for our environment is one that I have long shared with constituents and the issue of climate change has raised awareness of this to new heights.

Education and School Funding

Education is key for individual life success and for the success of our economy. We need a National Funding Formula that is fair for all. I have made my concerns known on the unfairness of the current formula in Oxfordshire to the Secretary of State for Education on several occasions.

Planning and Infrastructure

The way in which some new development is happening and the scale in relation to some towns and villages is of concern. We need infrastructure alongside development not lagging behind. We also need local communitties to have a strong voice in how their own community develops.

Working for a better Europe

It is important that we have good relations with the wider Europe. That can be best achieved through the Council of Europe – a non-EU organisation set up after the Second World War to oversee democracy, the rule of law and human rights in Europe.

Improving broadband

Broadband has become a basic utility and working to help improve the provision across the constituency has been on my agenda since becoming an MP. I have lobbied Government, meet with communications companies and with Ofcom and also communities frustrated by lack of provision.

Supporting Local Communities

The needs of towns and villages and different groups in the constituency vary enormously, due as much as anything to the number of different communities in the constituency. I am always willing to discuss issues with groups and speak out behalf of local communities where appropriate.