As many people will know, I announced in April 2023 that I would stand down as your MP at the next General Election. My decision was taking on the basis of my age and that I did not want to be an MP into my 70s. As such today is my last day as an MP and the day brings to a close the 16-year period during which I have had the honour of being the MP for the Henley Constituency.
It is impossible to summarise the overall work that I have been involved in during this time. So many different issues have come before Parliament and I have spoken on a wide range of issues as the records in Hansard will testify.
In that time I have enjoyed meeting very many constituents in many different circumstances, some happy, some less so. I have visited all of the schools in the constituency – many several times, met with a wide range of businesses, talked with local councillors, police, NHS staff and leadership teams to name but a few. I have lobbied on behalf of constituents on various issues from disabled access at stations, support for home educators, and demands for cleaner water. It is impossible to mention everything as the work of an MP involves so many aspects of life.
Much of the work is behind the scenes, helping individuals and families to resolve personal issues – lobbying ministers or organisations on their behalf. Perhaps some of the more public achievements have been in contributing to the success of the Europa School in Culham and in working with others to establish the new Townlands Hospital in Henley.
My work in Parliament to introduce Neighbourhood Planning, thus giving communities a real say in the future of their areas, has been widely taken up. I am pleased that so many villages and towns in this constituency have got such plans in place.
I have also had the privilege of serving in Parliament as a Parliamentary Private Secretary to four Secretaries of state, as a Trade Envoy to Nigeria, and most recently as Leader of the UK Delegation to the Council of Europe.
Some things in the work take time and depend very much on the tides of parliamentary process. In December 2020 I introduced a Private Members Bill, the Apologies Bill. It did not complete its passage through Parliament before the end of the 2019-2021 session. However at the time the Lord Chancellor confirmed the Government would consult on the issue when Parliamentary time allowed. Just a few months a consultation was launched that could see the essence of the Bill become law. This would make provision to ensure that when someone makes a mistake we do not automatically reach for a court case but are prepared to accept a genuinely meant formal apology. It is my hope that this will not again fall to the ongoing tides of process.
Of course no one can do the work of an MP without the support of a team, and I have been blessed with a strong and loyal team supporting me over the years and I am deeply grateful to them all.
At this General Election the name changes to the Henley and Thame Constituency, and the area covered reduces. This is due to an increase in the population due to housing development. Wherever the administrative boundaries place you I wish you all the very best. Whether we have agreed or not, it has been one of the greatest honours of my life to have served as your MP.