
Common Rule Book

One of the issues in the White Paper "The future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union" that many people seem to have a problem with is the Common Rule Book with the EU. The fear is that we will simply accept whatever the EU says. I want to show why this is not the case.

Thame Remembers

I laid a cross in Jerusalem on Saturday 7th July at the grave of 2nd Lieutenant Richard Hewer as part of the Thame Remembers project.

Aircraft noise and the third runway

Over the past few years I have been approached by a number of people with environmental concerns on the subject of aircraft noise over Henley and the surrounding area. To this has now been added similar concerns to do with the new third runway at Heathrow.

Feedback re meeting in Sonning Common

I was pleased that so many people attended the open meeting in Sonning Common on Friday. The prime purpose was to find out what was on your minds.

Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge Arc

First, let me say that in my opinion the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge Expressway is very unlikely to affect Otmoor or other SSSIs in the constituency. The proposed Expressway is part of a wider project currently referred to as the Oxford - Milton Keynes - Cambridge Arc.

Parking at Townlands Memorial Hospital

I attach a letter and an email I have received from NHS Property Services about the parking at Townlands Memorial Hospital.  They provide useful information about:

Notes of meeting between Minister and small schools

In my periodic meetings with schools in the constituency some issues recurr for small schools. I invited representatives from these schools to Westminster to meet with the Schools Minister, Nick Gibb MP, to put their concerns directly to him.